Jane Cox

JANE IS KNOWN PRINCIPALLY for her stylish, bold ceramics, intricately but not fussily decorated and their appealing sea colours – azures, blues, sage and emerald greens and turquoises – and, contrastingly, for her art deco-inspired monochrome pottery too. Her ceramics are mostly functional pieces that present elegant classic shapes with decorous, highly individual surface designs.

Alongside her ceramics, Jane creates screen prints and collages inspired by the exotic Mediterranean plants surrounding Binnel Studios. “I like the immediacy of working in 2D, allowing ideas and patterns to form instinctively, and working with colours that don’t need the firing process to reveal themselves.”

In awe, still, of her surroundings, she loves being able to work in the natural light of her studio with the space to spread out and display various designs to maximum effect.

“If we think of precedents like William Morris at Kelmscott and the Red House, the designs were created in his garden, as close to the source as possible. Working at Binnel, surrounded by green leaves, summer blossom and the sea, I couldn’t be closer to my inspiration. It’s always the dream I had.”

Jane Cox photo portrait

Contacting the artist

Visiting the Artist at Binnel Studios is by appointment, or invitation. If you wish to get in touch with the artist use the links to send an email or visit the artist’s website, if available.

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